Welcome to CASE Premium Field Services

If an insurer or program manager is looking for more effective audit results and loss control services, CASE field services may be a solution. Proper care is taken to assure and prove out accuracy. Our uncompromising approach to consistency and transparency makes for differentiation. Additional focus on "ease of use" is possible with CASE staff selection and training standards combined with technologies for ease of processing and premium/underwriting decision defense.

Current Liability Insurer Customer:

"Until I worked with CASE, I didn't really know if the traditional audit firm's reports were real or not. We ran many audits using both our prior firm and CASE and found the CASE audits were for real...and much easier to defend to our agents and policyholders. A verified audit is the only way to go."

A CASE audit policyholder:

"You guys were very responsive and made the audit process easier."